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Sunday, July 29, 2012

stuff noticed.

I've noticed that a lot of jammers sometimes forget that in Jamaa we are supposed to have fun and think about what being an animal would be like, share emotions, play a game, and learn what animals are all about. Some jammers have seemed to only care about rares lately, and it's very annoying. They will buddy you, which is fine, but then they will start sending constant jam- a -grams. I admit, I used to do this when iI first started and then realized that it wasn't a good idea, but Anyone reading this, when in Jamaa, just play it safe and fun. don't focus on one thing. explore new ones.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

the fantasy catle glitch is found

 new fantasy castle glitch steps:
stand here.

take the games tag out of a nametag

lastly, click up here in the corner and click a game and cancel.

Just another random thing noticed. Bye!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

my funny pictures.

i'm sucking in my breath, here.
your going dowwwn.

ok, so who stole my cookie??

dragon bunny touches down.
first attempt: swim away from nametag.
second attempt: swim away from nametag.

third attempt: bites other nametag in process of screaming.


This is the introduction to the new blog, Animaljamlife. This is a blog featuring funny pictures, glitches, and randomly noticed things changing the interactive world of animal jam, or jamaa. I may not always be posting, I'm very busy, but stay tuned for some.